29 September 2006

Our first picture of the baby

We had our first baby appointment today. Crystal had to have the usual tests (blood work, ultrasound, urine samples, etc.) and everything was, in the doctors words, "Perfect"! The sonographer taking the pictures measured the baby twice and you can see the results on the photo itself (1.43 cm and 1.37 cm) which converts to right at one half of an inch. We were able to see and hear the heartbeat as well! 158 beats per minute...said that was right where it should be. Everything looks good! They gave us a preliminary due date of May 14th.

I think today's visit really helped it all to sink in now. It is still hard to believe that next May I'll have my own lil one here! I'm (we're) REALLY looking forward to it.

And now, here's the baby...

19 September 2006

The Crocodiles are Crying

In Memoriam - STEVE IRWIN.


Endless visions fill my head – this man – as large as life

And instantly my heart mourns for his angels and his wife

Because the way I see Steve Irwin – just put everything aside

It comes back to his family – it comes back to his pride

His animals inclusive – Crikey – light the place with love!

Shine his star with everything he fought to rise above

The crazy-man of Khaki from the day he left the pouch

Living out his dream and in that classic ‘Stevo’ crouch

Exploding forth with character and redefining cheek

It’s one thing to be honored as a champion unique

It’s one thing to have microphones and spotlight cameras shoved

It’s another to be taken in and genuinely loved

But that was where he had it right – I guess he always knew

From his fathers’ modest reptile park and then Australia Zoo

We cringed at times and shook our heads – but true to natures call

There was something very Irwin in the make up of us all

Yes the more I care to think of it – the more he had it right

If you’re going to make a difference – make it big and make it bright!

Yes - he was a lunatic! Yes - he went head first!

But he made the world feel happy with his energetic burst

A world so large and loyal that it’s hard to comprehend

I doubt we truly count the warmth until life meets an end

To count it now I say a prayer with words of inspiration

May the spotlight shine forever on his dream for conservation

…My daughter broke the news to me – my six year old in tears

It was like she’d just turned old enough to show her honest fears

I tried to make some sense of it but whilst her Dad was trying

His little girl explained it best…she said “The crocodiles are crying

Their best mate’s up in heaven now – the crocs up there are smiling!

And as sure as flowers, poems and cards and memories are piling

As sure as we’ll continue with the trademarks of his spiel

Of all the tributes worthy – he was rough…but he was real

As sure as ‘Crikey!’ fills the sky

I think we’ll miss ya Steve…goodbye


14 September 2006

Sadie Badgett is here

Crystal and I got a small glimpse into a world that we will be emersed in next May. Erin (and Todd) had baby Sadie today. She is a beautiful lil thing. Mom and dad were both wore out when we saw them, however I'm sure in a couple of days you will be able to check their blog and get lots more info and pictures of Miss Sadie. But for now....

04 September 2006

We have some news

I'm simply going to post a picture because I'm not really sure if it has completely sunk in and I don't have the words to express myself as of yet.