03 April 2010

Happy Easter!

Easter weekend is upon us. Yesterday we enjoyed going up to Mt. Airy to spend some time with Crystal's mom. Unfortunately her dad was away doing some work for a client and we missed him but Sam and the girls got to play with their granny. While we were there Crystal attempted to make some Easter pictures of the kids. I'll just say that trying to take pictures of three kids is much, much harder than it sounds. We haven't reviewed the pics yet but we're hoping that there will be some usable ones.

Sam is currently with his neena and pawpaw. There was an Easter breakfast at their church this morning with games and fun stuff for the kids to do. I'm gonna attempt to load the girls up tomorrow and take them to church for the first time. I'm sure my parents are itching to "show them off". ;)

The holidays really seem to emphasize how different our lives have become since Crystal has started working weekends. It makes it hard to do things as a family, but in the end, it will all be worth it!

On a side note, as we were getting ready for bed a few nights ago, Crystal walked into the bedroom to check on the girls (they had been asleep for a couple of hours) and this is what she found.
They sure do love each other!

Happy Easter everyone!

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