22 April 2009

Geez, what a slacker!

So it's almost been 11 months since I've posted anything on here. I could come up with and type any number of reasons for not posting anything, but at this point, does it really matter now?

Here's what I'll do for now. How's about some various pictures from the past year and I'll try to do much better this year as far as updating this blog?! :)

Pawpaw, Sam, and I at the dam at Kerr Scott.

Samuel doing his best "Bobby Jones" impersonation for Halloween!

Of course my beautiful wife!

Sam and his mommy.

He sticks his tongue out alot while he's "concentrating"...yeah, he got that from me.

Sam's first swim, in the Cowpasture River near Clifton Forge, Virginia.

Crystal continues to take amazing pictures. This is the Bodie Lighthouse on the OBX.

She actually snapped this while on a moving ferry!

This is one of my favorite pictures from our OBX vacation last fall.

Crystal got up before daylight a couple of mornings to take advantage of the early morning light.

Easter at Papa and Granny Combs' house!

Decorating the eggs.

What a face.....

He loves to color!

Hopefully that's enough for now and like I said, I will strive to do better this year! Until then...