31 March 2007

Another dog

We are currently "fostering" another dog. To make a long story short, the owners decided that they didn't want the dog anymore and were going to take him to the pound. Crystal couldn't stand the thought of it so we now have an approximately 5 month old full blooded yellow lab puppy! His name is Luke and so far he's actually been a good puppy. No chewing and minimal whining.

Now, some of you maybe wondering what is wrong with Maddie. We wanted to get her professionally "groomed" and told them that we wanted the "summer cut". Well, needless to say, I nor Crystal realized what the "summer cut" was. Obviously the "summer cut" is just shaved. I could've done that! Poor little thing looks pitiful.

Of course I think it's funny and I'm pretty sure she won't be going back to a groomer. But she's still a good dog and her and Sage have accepted Luke into the pack very quickly.

If you know of anyone that's looking for a good dog, or possibly you yourself, get in touch with me and we'll get this puppers a good home!

UPDATE: (3 April) Luke has a new home. Crystal's boss's father recently had to have his long time friend, also a lab, put to sleep. He was more than happy to have Luke come to live with him!

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